Saturday, October 25, 2014

Churches Do Not Deserve Exemption Status.

It is claimed for the church that it ought to be exempt from taxation because of the valuable social service which it renders to human suffering. It is well just to keep in mind two facts: first, that very few churches are actually engaged in ministering to the poor (other agencies render such services much more efficiently), and, second, that the churches so engaged never do so from the highest motives; they are always thinking of winning supporters and members. 
The church contributes services to the state as a police power more valuable than the mere pittance it might pay on its tax exempt property, the friends of religion claim. But does it? I ask this question in all sincerity. It may be there was a time when people could be frightened into being good by the fear of hell 
It may be that Voltaire was right in his day when he said that he didn’t believe in hell, but he wanted his servants to believe in It. But that time is gone, for hell has been abolished and the church has lost its power (if it ever possessed it) to keep “bad people” in order. It is illuminating in this connection to read the statistics with respect to the religion of criminals confined in our penitentiaries.
To tax church property would put many churches out of existence. The defenders of the exemption of church property say, If an organization cannot pay its way, if it hasn’t members and friends who believe in it sufficiently to support it, why should those of us who do not believe in it at all, who believe, in fact, that it is a vicious, superstitious institution, be compelled to support it? 
We all agree that there may be some excuse for exempting schools, orphanages, and hospitals from taxation, for they are performing functions the state would be obliged to perform. But religion is another matter — a very personal and private matter which is no affair of the state. 
Church and State might seem separated, but in reality, they are one. The only group that benefits from this declaration is the Church and only the Church, as they have a green light from the Congress and the Supreme Court to do anything they damn please, and not be accountable to any authority but their imaginary god. 
When the table turns and they need to stick their fingers where they don’t belong, they are all in favor of bringing the “Separation Wall” down, so they can participate in State matters; stealing jobs, getting their crooks elected, passing laws for more protection for their illegal entities, money laundering, and spending millions in supporting their criminal candidates to have their own puppets inside the White House or the sellout Congress. 
The First and fourteenth Amendments to United States Constitution clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”, which means no preference, prohibition in establishment, and/or aid should be given to any religious organization. 
So why do I say Churches are organized crime sects with tax exemption? Well imagine a single person committing the following crimes in his life time who also happened to be exempt from paying taxes: 
Raping young boys, marrying girls at age 12 against their will, slaughtering several civilizations because they worshiped the wrong god, ordering assassinations on other nations’ leaders, running extermination camps, causing the bloodiest and longest wars, destroying others’ homes, executing children in cold blood, beheadings, burning at stake… do I need to count more?
If there was such a person, his tax exemption status would be the last thing on your mind. He would most certainly be hunted, prosecuted, and hanged upside down from the Statue of Liberty. And people would travel from every corner of the country to line up in thousands to spit on his rotten hanging body. But somehow people close their eyes when Churches get to do all the above, regularly, openly, and unapologetically. Their actions are justified as a sick and twisted accepted normality.
The phrase American Christian is an oxymoron. There is no such a thing as an American Christian. A Christian is one who is pure in heart and mind, thought, word and deed and follows in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, adhering to the teachings of Jesus. A Christian’s allegiance is to God first and then to his country, provided his country abides by the laws of God. If his country does not abide by God’s Law, he should leave that country peacefully. 
But a deluded, dogma-infested believer in a Church pretending to be God’s authority on earth that is void of truth and purity will say, “to hell with the country” and practices vengeance, because he is not one bit shy to go to war against it. If a day comes that the United States bans Christianity, you can be sure that there will be armies of deluded self-proclaimed Christians armed to the teeth, raping, burning, and murdering every Non-Christian in sight. They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pastors versus 501C

The hardline Pastors of America face an uphill battle, with the latest so called attack on the pulpit visible in the state of Texas it is only fair to say that very soon more politicians with the urge to create a window between church and state will soon begin the march on a precious commodity of churches.
The 501 c will be the focus over the coming years in creating a way to silence various church groups from having a political voice in which this writer is actually ok with.

I believe as do many religious gurus that freedom of speech is a good thing as is seperation of church and state, with that said we turn to the example setter of christianity for the answer to the intellectuals reader who seeks to know the truth versus opinions.

Jesus the leader or organiser of the new faith 2000 years ago made these bold statements introducing the correct way a christian should react between Politics and religion.“They are in the world.” But he also said: “They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.” ( John 17:11-14) His words clearly show how true Christians should view this world. Satan is the god ofthis system of things,” or world. (2 Corinthians 4;4 ) Christians live in the world, but they are no part of it. That is why the Bible says that Christians are like “aliens,” or foreigners. They are “temporary residents” in this world.—1 Peter 2;11.

Scripture to back up the seperation always goes unchecked since most who claim to support christianity do so with a fever pitch of wanting to belong to a political system destined to fail or destined to crush the very excistence of faith based people in America. Pastors should mimic Jesus not try and add to an already dismal approach to advancing a cause based on a entity of politics which is designed only to achieve what is needed withing a set group of people.

So the golden question of the day would be this. Do we need to try and take on a political system that in one swoop could promote legislation to tap into the non profit clause of religions in America and with that reversal, go after billions of dollars in each state culminating in a new way to tackle federal and state issues accross the country. Large Question to answer is it not?

One state alone, let us take Wisconsin as a sample...this state has over 10 billion dollars wrapped up in 501 c protection based on property values and the lands these churches possess. Times that by 50 states then add in the larger bible belt states we can see almost if not equal to around a trillion a year in untaxed revenue. WOW, there it is the solving question to so many issues, yet a reversal effect could and would take place, it is called the dedicated voter who belongs to these churches, they themselves hold the power to reelect a politician based on so many variables.

I advocate the revenue from a religion that will use politics as a gain to achieve more exposure, example would be Saddleback church for its involvement with the Obama-Mccain election.So if Jesus could refrain from the politics of his day, why cant christians who claim to follow his teachings do the same?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Fall of Islam.

The Fall of a religion comes quickly and not noticed by the pundits or the experts that live off the idea that religion holds the answer to either success or to failure of a culture. Muslims number a great deal due to one major factor, they are born into the religion therefore setting a false pretense that all who seem Islamic, really are nothing more then a number.

The fall is due to declining people from all over the world that actually practice their respective faiths, Muslims who practice this faith is far less then the number claimed to represent the Islamic regions of the world. So whats next? The fall of a religion is not something new, its the rebirth of a replacement that creates a turn of events we are witnessing today.

Radical Islam grows out of the silence of the peaceful version of slam, yes the peaceful quiet Muslims have creased a lose-lose scenario for all of them The silent majority has loss faith in themselves and has lost face value with those who keep repeating the cry. " This is not the real Islam were peaceful" I personally have seen the lack of respect for their belief due to such silence, they carry no weight in the media or carry any retaliation to the never ending story of peace is all we know not terror.

Islam will cave in on itself and the radical ideas will soon be real, not a Muslim opposition will be around to stop it. The news has silenced the peaceful side due to all we see is the rage viewed around the world. I say to their over 1 billion peaceful Muslims to step up to the podium and begin a large campaign of destroying the radicals from within.

Why 2034? Ha, its just a date to help you read the blog.
Muslims everywhere deserve to defend the faith not remain silent.

Flooding the internet to expose false teachings

I categorically admit to flooding the world wide web with exposure to false religious teachings, from Islam to Mormonism we see a developing trend towards believing the unknown that when exposed becomes a victim of people like myself. What did I just say? I am basically fueling the fires if you will on telling everyone that opinions do matter and if we base everything solely on one opinion we fail the remaining opinions thus creating a world of isolationism,

To look up into the heavens and try and point out all the vast stars or constellations is a task of many months and many long nights. Exposing the falsehoods of people is easier to do when they surround themselves with books other then the book they profess to teach from. Opinions based on Jesus Christ seem mute in society today, we really o lack a sense of urgency when defining who Jesus was.

I know what kind of man he is and was, he lived a good life and worked a skilled trade before embarking on a three and a half year mission to promote a new teaching about Gods standards.
Jesus closely picked men of limited quality's because they were about to receive a quality never ever placed before so many men at one time.

Place yourself in his shoes for a moment, he taught free of charge and gave freely in areas of healing and resurrecting the dead, he even emphasized the giving free at Matthew 10;8 to his newly taught followers and ensured them that this is the only way to maintain salvation. False teachers today go in the direction of the wind in order to receive a breeze of wealth at the expense of those who like the Jews of old believed the leadership then and were also exposed by guess who? Jesus Christ himself..

The flood of exposure is worthy and needed in order to let people know Jesus never taught to make himself rich nor would his followers do the same. So who do these false teachers of so many religions work for? let the photo tell the truth..

Rick warren Joel osteen exposed!!

Exposed 26 False Religions

Rick Warren Exposed